Thursday, November 14, 2013

When She Falls

Though a righteous woman falls seven times, she rises again.

If God in His elation 
made me,
who am I
to challenge His creation.  1

We are not 'just clay blobs thrown randomly on God's pottery wheel to look like whatever we will. We are fashioned in the image of God, each person is the Master's own self-portrait in physical form'.  2

God see's beyond who we are to who we are becoming. 3

In the room of Grace...I am 'Christ in me' on my worst day, in my worst thought, during my worst temptation.  4
#iamnot...a failure

Sometimes it is hard to tell whether you are being killed or being saved by the hands that turn your life upside down.  5

For most of us, there are many seemingly adverse details of our lives that will not be changed regardless of our efforts or our prayers. They are simply part of God's plan for us.  6

And it will always be good because love knows no other way to be.  7
#Iamnot... condemned.

All things work together for good.
Romans 8:28

1  unknown
2  L. Tverberg, WALKING in the DUST of RABBI JESUS. pg. 184-185
3  Renee Swope, A Confident Heart, pg. 125
4  J. Lynch, B. McNicol B thrall, THE CURE pg. 61
5  M. Yaconelli,  Dangerous Wonder, pg 134
6  J. Bridges, TRUSTING GOD,pg. 179
7  N.  Nordeman, LOVE Story,  pg 7


Unknown said...

I love your #IAmNot statements, thanks so much for sharing!!

Kris Danko (OBS Small Group Leader)

StandingOnGodsPromises said...

Thank you for sharing. Beautifully written! Denise C. OBS Small Group Leader