The wilderness, I am captivated by it.
Again and again I return to the place where God whispers in the wind to me, speaks in the silence,breathes beauty in the barrenness and rescues me in the rifts.
Arabah. Wild and wonderful wilderness, you are my hiding place, you are my healing place.
I stood at the terminal gate, newly pregnant, cradling my 12 month old son in trembling arms and prepared to board the plane. Korea bound, compliments of the U.S. army.
With a last good-bye, my grandmother hugged me with her arms but more so with her words,
Fear not, for He is with you always. Deuteronomy 31:6
It felt like I was headed for the most barren place on earth. Alone.
Her words became my oasis that year, the reminder that I wasn't going to be forgotten or forsaken.
All I had to do was follow the footprints in the sand as he led the way through my Arabah.
Check out Jeremiah 2:2,6
I remember the devotion of your youth,
how as a bride you loved me
and followed me through the desert.
Did you catch that?
To state that one is following implies another must be leading.
He was with me those 2 years abroad, through every homesick yearning, every cultural adjustment, every tear of loneliness, every feeling of abandonment.
I was the bride that had said yes to his call, the call to believe in him as the one true God, maker of heaven and earth and Arabah.
And he was my God that led me through the rifts of a foreign land, through my Arabah.
I was the bride that had said yes to his call, the call to believe in him as the one true God, maker of heaven and earth and Arabah.
And he was my God that led me through the rifts of a foreign land, through my Arabah.
...The LORD...
led us through the barren wilderness
through a land of deserts and rifts.
What is your current wilderness?
He is there, you know, just a few feet in front of you saying,
come on, follow me. Lets do this thing called life together.
knows the foot prints of God in the sand,
receives the holy water from the heavenly temple,
prepares the way for finding Canaan.
are achieving for us an eternal glory
that far outweighs them all.
2 Cor. 4:17
Arabah, where the Israelites crossed into the Promised land of Canaan Deuteronomy 1:1,8 3:17-18
Arabah ,where Zedekiah fled after Judah fell captive to the Babylonians Jeremiah 52:7-8
Arabah, where waters will flow from the new Jerusalem to the Arabah Ezekiel 47:1-12