That's what my granddaughter used to say when she didn't want something offered.
That's how I just responded to God, as he responded to me and my plea to show me how and where I could serve him;
No Danks.
No thank you.
Oh God please, NO! Not her.
I'll serve in a soup kitchen, sleep next to the homeless, sew barbie clothes for the under-privileged, organize a litany of library books by the Dewey Decimal system but please, not her.
Maybe you can agree with the lines written by C. W. Vanderbergh:
To love the world
For me is no chore;
My only real problem
Is my neighbor next door.
"He who studies the Scriptures, but does no works of love, lives without God".
And like the compassionate gentle savior that He is, I heard him say; You can love the sinner without loving the sin. In mercy it is OK to speak your hurt over offenses suffered, just love her in the process.
This is my will. She needs to see me in you.
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for [her] will arise from another...And who knows but that you have come to this royal position for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14
If you love me, Feed my sheep.
Jn 21:17
A friend loves at all times.
Proverbs 17:17
Proverbs 17:17
Beth Moore pretty much caps my reaction--"Do you know Jesus? He's awful bossy !"
And so, I say yes to God.