I tried
I tried to put an end to the darkness
the darkness in the depths
of his recessed soul
Cleaved, cowering, wedged
between the clefts of despair
Where destruction resides-
rumors of death ripple.
I tried to cut shafts
into the blackened void of it
a place forgotten by the foot
concealed from the living
where hand assaults the flinty rock-
of hopelessness.
Palpable stones
polished with sorrow-
empty eyes.
Nuggets of gold
pummeled with pain-
beautiful mind.
where no falcon fly's
he dangles and sways
and waits
Waits for the waking.
God understands the way to it. He alone knows the dwelling place.
He has measured the winds of wisdom, and
cut a path for the rescue.
Job 28:23
What is impossible with man
is possible with God.
Matthew 18:27
Job 28