Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Out of Darkness

It is Written.  Hadn't I just said that in an email to a friend recently? Yet here it is again, on the very page of my devotional before me. Not sure why that particular thought hit me a few days ago, not sure why its jumping off the page at me again, but I've learned to listen when this happens. I've learned this means God has something to say.
Grappling with injustice this morning, I bitterly threw all the darkness and suffering of life at the Lord-- Where are you in the death of a soldier, the abuse of a child, the agony of mental illness, the persecution of those just trying to serve you, where? 

Following the thread of my current challenge, I wrestled to find words of praise.
"Praise ushers us into the presence of God."*
THANK YOU  for trees... Words fall flat.
THANK YOU for scampering squirrels... Lame.
THANK YOU for color... Now I'm getting warmer.
THANK YOU for need... Transparency setting in.
THANK YOU for sin... What? Where is this going, GOD? Thank you for sin? Really? 

It's then I see--Need drives procurement.  Sin seeks solution.  Darkness births dawn.

But God isn't finished with me yet. My prayer time complete, I now turn to my morning devotion, and there-in lies the answer to my angst... "Out of darkness, God spoke." 

Out of Darkness!
-The darkness and void of unformed earth gives birth to the Eden of Genesis.
-The darkness of a womb gives birth to a child.
-The darkness of Calvary gives birth to light in resurrected life.

"It is the suffering [of darkness] that has the realest possibility to bear down and deliver grace.
In the emptiness we have  the opportunity to turn to God.
God wastes nothing"*


1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances.
Psalm 8:2 You have ordained praise...to silence the enemy.
*Anne Voskamp. One thousand gifts.