Marcin Sobas photography
Rasped tremolo-
of cricket knee
soft lullaby
wooded melody.
Auroral anima-
womb of the world
silent sacred
night unfurled.
wooded melody.
Auroral anima-
womb of the world
silent sacred
night unfurled.
Cover me
oh dawning soul,
your barely blue, and gray
Delay delay delay-
oh dawning soul,
your barely blue, and gray
Delay delay delay-
I bid the day.
Rays slip slow-
horizon creeps
dark contracts
lucent seeps.
horizon creeps
dark contracts
lucent seeps.
cloud canopy-
illumined mist
illumined mist
lighted loam
Oh, holiness!
Oh, holiness!
Cover me
Oh, dawning soul,
your barely blue, and gray-
delay delay delay
I bid the day.
Oh, dawning soul,
your barely blue, and gray-
delay delay delay
I bid the day.
Pavilion pitched
veil drawn
no man prevents
Gods birthing dawn.
And then there was light,
It was good.
veil drawn
no man prevents
Gods birthing dawn.
And then there was light,
It was good.
L. Paddock