Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Imagine #priceless

That your every tear was accounted for, 
numbered, and listed by scroll    1

That your every prayer was like incense,
and kept in a golden bowl   2

That thoughts of you outnumbered the sand,
every hair on your head counted and planned   3,4

And the one who gave each star a name,
has summoned and called you just the same.  5,6

Imagine it true--
for He careth for you!
1 Peter 5:7

You are precious and priceless in His sight.

1     Psalm 56:8
2     Revelation 5:8, Psalm 141:2
3,4  Psalm 139:17-18, Matthew 10:30, Jeremiah 29:11
5,6  Psalm 147:4, Isaiah 40:26, 43:1

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I am alone on my porch with only the weak thrum of distant cricket on forest floor and occasional tired song of Autumn's bird.

Alone, with the mist of mornings fog settling on my soul and a humidity that's heavy on my heart.

Alone, because I have looked for completion and contentment in all the wrong places.

Painful years filled with widow's tears, empty spaces spent on bent knees for pleading graces. And loneliness, and unmet needs, and barren cleaving, and broken heart, and weary hope.

He is a quiet man, this husband of mine. He doesn't talk much and I usually have to do his social and emotional work for him.

I have wrestled with God over the silence of this widowed wilderness. Countless days and nights have pushed me through a verbally voided chasm of the non-cleaved and I have acquired more than a wrenched hip, I have also inherited a bitter spirit.

There is a lot of talk about soul mates these days, and somehow we have bought the lie. The delusion that mortal marriages are capable of consummate unity.

"But it's impossible for someone to come into our lives and complete all the areas he or she was never meant to complete...unless we draw from Jesus, we will demand more from each other than we were designed to give. We can't make people the source of all of our encouragement and love. They can't handle the job. They're not made for it."   1

Might we consider today a different spouse, a holier husband?

"In that day," declares the LORD you will call me 'my husband'.   2

I see you with a steady eye, because My attention span is infinite. I know and understand you completely; My thoughts embrace you in everlasting love. Be aware that I am fully attentive to you."  3



1  The well, Mark Hall, pg 69-71
2  ISHI, Hebrew for Husband, Hosea 2:16
3  Jesus Calling, Sarah Young, pg 2, January 1

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Broken -- Changing My Perspective


This world. This world. The brokenness of it at times can steal my breath right away.

I paused before this massive giant, this imposing piece of wood.

At one time providing shade and habitat for it's forest friends, it had stood stoic, strong and, proud.

Once a mighty oak commanding respect from its wooded world, it now slouched-- reduced to mere splinters.

Bent and broken, it sags.

And I hear its weary wooded voice;  Why, why has this happened to me?

I have no answer for you, mighty oak. Life is hard and it's storms are strong.

But this I know. THIS, I know!

We weren't meant to walk wounded or bow in brokenness. We have been called to stand in strength through God's mighty redeeming love.

They will  be called oaks of righteousness, 
a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.
Isaiah 61:3

His glory covers the heavens and His splendor is in the glint of sun's rays, flying arrows of justice are unleashed from His hand as;

He shakes the earth.
Trembles the nations.
Crumbles the mountains.
Collapses the hills.
Rages against the seas.
Re-routes the rivers.
Splits the earth.
Sun and moon stand still.
Mountains writhe and waters roar. 1

For a long time He has kept silent, been quiet and held himself back. 2  But now... He cries out, He comes, to deliver His people and;

The wilderness rejoices and blooms 3

The mountains and hills burst into song 4

The meadows shout for joy and sing 5


Perhaps we shouldn't ask why, oh mighty oak.


Be joyful always, pray continually,
give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thess. 5:18

1 Habakkuk 3
2 Isaiah 42:14
3 Isaiah 35:1
4 Isaiah 55:12
5 Isaiah 55:12