"There is no one like the God of Jeshurun who rides the ancient skies above to help you."
He who's power is in the skies.
Psalm 68:34
Imagine for a moment the concept of that power. Supernatural power that rides the skies...for YOU!
Power that resurrects a dead body, forgives our sins, suspends the stars, gives birth to the dawn and laid the earths foundations.
Power that spreads the northern skies, wraps up the waters in His clouds, and covers the face of the moon.
While it is true that God is in His sanctuary in heaven, it is also true that scripture refers to us as the sanctuary and dwelling place of His spirit. If we have made a deliberate decision to believe The Story, the biblical account of Jesus, and committed to that truth as the foundation for living, Christ promises through the presence of His spirit to come and make His abode within us. We become a new creation. The eternity set within us is awakened.
So, what does that mean?
It is one thing to cognitively comprehend the historical facts of Jesus, it is quite another to recognize the reality of the resurrection and make it personal. In other words, we do more than just practice a religion, we embrace a life changing, spirit filled, sold out relationship with Christ.
The ultimate end is the fulfillment of the eternal pursuit of our souls; salvation from sin and restored intimacy with our creator as was the original design in Eden. Now and forever.
Recognizing the deity of Christ, Repenting of our sins, Receiving faith (to believe) =salvation.
For if you confess with your mouth
(that Jesus is The Christ and died for your sins)
and believe in your heart
(that He rose from the dead),
you shall be saved."
Romans 10:9-10
How I love to just simply and quietly look up and ponder the inconceivable, undeniable, indescribable glory and power reflected in the heavens above.
"Truly He is awesome in His sanctuary." "He has set His glory above the heavens."
May you be reminded of His love and provision of eternity for you every time you look up.
And may you remember that He has exalted His name and His word above all things and know that He is above every hour and event, every trial and triumph that might come your way.
He fills the whole universe and is over all and through all and in all. He rides the ancient skies, for you.
That's a power I want to harness and hold on to as I walk this place called planet earth.
O Lord god, ancient of days, may we sincerely take words to you and ask for forgiveness and be received graciously, seeing the benefit and experiencing the blessing of new life with you. Amen.
- Deuteronomy 33:26, Psalms 68:33, Job 26:7-9, 14, John 14:23,
- Ecclesiastes 3 :11, Psalms 8:2, 68:35, 138:2, Ephesians 4:6 Hosea 14:2